giving a key to partnerthe woman is given the keys to the apartment

There are a few different schools of thought on this question. For example, some people believe that you should only give a house key to someone you trust implicitly, while others believe that it is perfectly fine to give a key to someone you are less close to as long as they have a legitimate need for it. 

If you are leaning towards giving a key to someone, there are a few things to consider.

First, think about what this person will need to use the key for. If they simply need to occasionally check on your home or pets while you are away, then there is no need to give them a key to your bedroom or other personal spaces. 

On the other hand, if they will stay in your home for an extended period, or if they need regular access to all areas of your home, you may want to give them a key to your entire house. 

Another thing to consider is how well you know the person to whom you are considering giving a key. If you have known them for years and trust them implicitly, then there is no reason not to provide them with a key. 

However, if you only recently met them or do not know them very well, it may be best to err on the side of caution and not give them a key. 

Finally, think about what would happen if this person lost your key or had it stolen. If you are comfortable with the thought of them having access to your home, then go ahead and give them a key. However, if you are not comfortable with this possibility, it is probably best not to provide them with a key. 

In the end, the decision of who to give a key to is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, but there are a few things to consider before deciding.

Potential People to Give a House Key To:

Family Member

Giving a house key to a family member can be a difficult decision to make. While it may be convenient for the family member to have a key, it is also a decision that should not be made lightly. 

Consider a few things before giving a key to your home. First, consider why the family member needs a key to your home. If it is for emergency purposes, it may be best to give them a key to the exterior of your home. This will allow them to enter in an emergency but will not provide access to your personal belongings. 

If the family member needs regular access to your home, you must decide how much access they will need. For example, will they need a key to enter the house at any time or during specific hours? Will they need access to particular rooms or areas of the house? 

It is also important to consider how trustworthy the family member is. If you are not sure you can trust the family member with a key to your home, then it is probably best not to give them one. 

If you decide to give them a key, keep a close eye on them and their use of the key. Sharing a house key with a family member can be a great way to provide them with convenience and peace of mind. 

However, it is important to consider all potential risks before making this decision.


If you’re in a relationship, it’s likely that at some point, you’ll want to give your partner a key to your house. 

It’s a big step – after all, giving someone a key to your home is essentially inviting them into your personal space and trusting them to respect your belongings and privacy. But if you’re ready to take the next step in your relationship, here are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, it’s important to have a conversation with your partner about why you’re giving them a key. Are you inviting them to move in with you? Are you simply giving them a key for convenience, in case you’re not home when they come over? 

Having a key to your house is a big responsibility, so your partner must understand what it means. Make sure you communicate with your partner the boundaries you have in place within your home so you don’t feel uncomfortable or disrespected. 

Finally, it’s important to remember that giving someone a key to your house is a big step in a relationship. It’s a sign of trust and commitment and should be treated as such. If you’re not ready for this step, there’s no shame in waiting – every relationship moves at its own pace.


It’s a nice gesture to give a key to a friend, but there are a few things to consider before doing so. 

If you own your home, giving a key to a friend means they can access your personal belongings and space. If you live in a rental, providing the key to a friend means they can come and go as they please, which could cause problems with your landlord. 

Before giving a key to a friend, think about how much access you’re comfortable with them having. If you’re okay with them coming and going as they please, give them a key. 

If you’d prefer they only had access to your home when you’re there, give them a key that only works during certain hours, or provide them with a key that only opens the door, not the deadbolt. 

Consider what type of key you give your friend as well. Give them a copy if it’s a physical key, so you still have a backup. If you’re giving them an electronic key, make sure to change the code after they return the key, so they no longer have access. 

Giving a key to a friend is a nice gesture, but it’s important to think about the implications before doing so. Make sure you’re comfortable with the level of access you’re giving them and consider what type of key you’re giving them. 


Living in a house and having a good relationship with your neighbours is helpful. One way to do this is to give them a key to your home in case of an emergency.

It’s a kind gesture, and it can come in handy if you ever need to borrow something from them or if they need to check on your house while you’re away. If you have a babysitter coming over, for example, giving your neighbour a key means they can pop in if there’s a problem. 

Of course, you should only give a key to a neighbour you trust. And it’s a good idea to chat with them first, to explain why you’re giving them a key and what you expect them to use it for. 

Once you’ve decided to give your neighbour a key, there are a few things to remember. 

First, ensure you get a good quality key, preferably one that can’t be duplicated easily. You don’t want just anyone to have a copy of your key. 

Second, it’s a good idea to label the key with your name and address, so your neighbour knows whose house it opens. You could also include a phone number, in case they need to get in touch with you.


Giving a house key to a guest is a thoughtful gesture that can make a big difference in someone’s visit. It shows that you trust them enough to let them into your home, giving them a sense of security and comfort. 

Before providing the key to a guest, a few things to consider are how well you know the person and how long they’ll be staying. 

You’ll also want to ensure that the key is clearly labelled and that you have a backup in case it’s lost or stolen. 

Once you’ve decided to give a key to a guest, there are a few ways to do it. You can hand it to them in person, leave it somewhere visible, like on a hook by the door, or hide it somewhere on the property. 

Whichever method you choose, be sure to explain where the key is and how to use it. Giving a key to a guest is a nice gesture that can make their stay more enjoyable.


It is vital to think carefully about who you give a house key to. You should consider how much you trust the person, how well you know them, and what their intentions are. If you are not sure about someone, it is better to err on the side of caution and not give them a key.